Recent studies indicate 30% of interests used by Facebook advertisers for targeting are inaccurate. So what interests are used to target you?
Study Suggests 30-Percent of Facebook Interests Are Inaccurate or Irrelevant
A recent study suggests that about 30-percent of Facebook interests used for ad targeting are inaccurate. Here’s what was found…
Facebook Removed Thousands of Detailed Targeting Options
Facebook removed a ton of detailed targeting options on January 19, far more than was expected. Here’s what you should do about it…
Facebook Interest Targeting: How Your Profile is Targeted (The Good and Bad)
Facebook allows users to see and edit the interests that advertisers can use to target their individual profiles. Here’s how…
New and Reinstated Professional Targeting Options on Facebook
Facebook quietly announced some new and reinstated professional target options. We did a quick review to see what may have changed.