Reports are that Facebook links now get the most reach. Before you change your entire posting strategy, read this…
No, Facebook Organic Page Reach Is Not Dead
According to dozens of reports, Facebook killed organic reach for pages. Of course, this is far from the truth. But whatever gets clicks, right?
No More Facebook Like-Gating: What It Means and Why You Should Care
Facebook will no longer allow marketers to incentivize the like through an app. So what does that mean and how does that change things? Read on…
The Changeup: Facebook Timeline, Newsfeed and Scheduled Posts
Pull up to the virtual pub to discuss the Facebook timeline redesign, the “new new” News Feed, organic posts and scheduling posts…
Controlled Test Results: Facebook Organic Reach is Under Reported
I stumbled upon an inconsistency related to Reach. And after a controlled test, I had my answer: Facebook is under reporting Organic Reach.