One of the biggest complaints during the past year since Facebook implemented changes related to iOS 14 updates is a drop in reporting. While it may not be accurately represented, Facebook is reporting fewer conversions.
I have a simple tip for you that may help, and it’s related to the Facebook ads reporting window.
Understanding Aggregated Event Measurement
One of the changes that Facebook implemented in response to iOS 14+ relates to how to handle events performed by users who have opted out of tracking.
Aggregated Event Measurement allows Facebook to receive such a user’s highest-ranking event during the attribution window. After clicking your ad, for example, that user may perform four web events. Facebook will receive one.
But, an important and often forgotten point is that this data will be delayed. Unlike other event data that will be received immediately, it may take up to 72 hours for Facebook to receive it.
How This Impacts Your Reporting Window
If your targeted audience is likely to use an iOS device, this means that much of your conversion reporting is likely to be delayed. It means that any same-day or recent reporting is bound to be incomplete.
It will look worse than it actually is.
Your reporting in Ads Manager won’t technically be complete (or be as complete as it’s going to be) for 72 hours. That impact will be most significant if your audience is more likely to use iOS devices.
You should understand how this impacts you. Before you make any big decisions based on the performance of your ads, change the reporting window to end four days ago.

It doesn’t mean everyone will see a drastic difference. Only about 12% of my traffic comes from iOS devices, so that’s the most impact I will see. But make sure to use an adjusted reporting window before you make any rash decisions related to the campaign.
Impact on Automated Rules
Keep this in mind when it comes to the Automated Rules you use, as well. If you have determined that your reporting is delayed, your rules shouldn’t execute based on recent data. Base it on wider reporting windows, where the impact of the most recent three days will be watered down. Or adjust the rule to accept a slightly worse result.
Facebook also includes custom date ranges that may be a solution here as well. They don’t omit the most recent three days, but they can go up to the most recent 7.

Your Turn
Have you noticed a delay in your reporting? How do you handle it?
Let me know in the comments below!