In this episode, the following topics are covered:
1) Facebook Page Redesign
2) New New News Feed
3) News Feed Experiment
4) Q&A
Mentioned or Relevant Links:
- Facebook Page Timeline Redesign: The One Important Change
- A Second Test: Are Brands Organically Reaching the Facebook News Feed?
- Controlled Test Results: Facebook Organic Reach is Under Reported
- Why Our Obsession with Facebook Page Post Reach is All Wrong
- How to Maximize Organic Reach in the Facebook News Feed
- Website Custom Audiences: Target Visitors with Facebook Ads (Not FBX!)
- An Experiment: CPM or oCPM When Targeting Facebook Fans With Ads?
- The Secret Process to Increasing Facebook Likes
- Content Scheduler: Post Planner
- Facebook Image Dimensions: Timeline, Posts, Ads [Infographic]
- The Hidden Meaning of Offsite Conversions from Facebook Ads
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