You can schedule individual ads now…
Have you ever wanted to set a schedule for an individual ad rather than at the ad set level? Maybe you want to have an ad appear during certain days without having to create a separate ad set for it.
Oh, and you want to do this with a manual sales campaign, rather than Advantage+ Shopping. Now you can!
How It Works
When you create a manual sales campaign where Website is the conversion location…

…go to the Ad Setup section. Under Multi-Advertiser Ads, you may see “Show More Options.”

If you do, you have this. Click it.
That will reveal a scheduling option.

It reads: “Choose to run your ad during a specific time period.”
Normally, this is controlled within the ad set and it applies to all ads within it. But now you can set a specific start and end date for your ad.

Use Case
This could be helpful if you have a time sensitive promotion. For example, you’ve been promoting a specific product, but there’s a seasonal discount that happens during certain days. You could schedule your ad with the original price to stop when the promotion begins. Then schedule the ad that reflects the sale price to begin on that day and end when the promotion is over.
More Advantage+ Shopping Features
This is a feature that was previously unique to Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, but now it’s being made available for manual sales campaigns.
We’re starting to see more and more features from Advantage+ Shopping make their way to manual campaigns now. Another recent example was the addition of Audience Segments for reporting.
Will you use this?