This episode was broken down into the following sections:
- The Pubcast: Changing Direction
- Your Business: Choosing a Niche
- Relationship Between Delegating and Business Growth
Some Things to Consider…
If you want to find your ideal business niche, first start by asking the following questions…
- What are you good at?
- What are you passionate about?
- What is your target audience about? What do they need help with?
- Where is the opportunity?
- What niche requires an investment?
Did you complete that exercise? Now…
- Zero in on three niche topics ( a.k.a passion)
- Assemble a list of questions and problems
- Which list is longer? Which do YOU like best?
- Who will make a financial commitment?
Propel Your Business: When to Delegate to Meet Your Business Growth
Are you looking to grow your Facebook presence? Then it’s time to consider my Power Editor or Insights courses. Each course offers a step-by-step process to improve, enhance and grow your Facebook ROI.
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