How to Schedule Facebook Page Posts

NOTE: This post is outdated, but it remains available for research purposes. Many of the screenshots and features may no longer be relevant.

Beginning in late 2019, Facebook took away the ability to schedule posts directly from the page publisher.

Schedule Facebook Posts

So, instead of scheduling directly from the publisher, Facebook directs you to Publishing Tools. And once you get to Publishing Tools, Facebook directs you to Creator Studio.

Schedule Facebook Posts

This… is annoying.

So, let’s walk through how to schedule these posts with Creator Studio then, I guess…

Use Creator Studio

Facebook really wants us to use Creator Studio. It’s now the only way to schedule posts. Access it from your Publishing Tools under “Tools.”

Facebook Creator Studio

Click “Create Post” at the top left.

Facebook Creator Studio Create Post

A publisher will now slide out from the right side.

Facebook Creator Studio Create Post

The Publish button is at the very bottom, and if you click the arrow next to it, you’ll see the option to schedule.

Facebook Creator Studio Create Post

It will now appear under “All Posts” or “Scheduled” within your Creator Studio.

Schedule Facebook Posts

Your Turn

This is far from ideal, but it is our new normal. Hopefully, Facebook will make Creator Studio ultra-important in the future. Otherwise, this feels like a bunch of unnecessary clicks and steps.

What do you think of Creator Studio?

Let me know in the comments below!