6 Essential and Free Ways to Stay Ahead of Meta Advertising Trends

Meta advertising changes so quickly. An advertiser’s biggest fear is an inability to stay on top of the relevant changes so that they can continue using the most effective features and strategies. You cannot fall behind.

Think I’m exaggerating? Think about the landscape of Facebook (before Meta) advertising prior to 2021. The iOS 14 changes hadn’t hit yet. No Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns. Audience expansion wasn’t even a thing. Advertising — and the effective approach to it — was completely different.

It’s been my goal to fill an important need since I started publishing to these pages in 2011 (I’ve seen some things!). Cut through the nonsense and give you the news, updates, tutorials, and case studies that make you an advanced advertiser.

The problem, if you could call it one, is that the amount of content I create comes out at a high velocity. Well over 1,000 blog posts, 1,000 videos, and 500 podcast episodes. The information is there, but it’s easy to fall behind.

The best way to get control of all of this information is through email alerts. After 13 years of doing this, I’m confident that I’ve finally got this right.

Not everyone has the same needs. Some of us consume blog posts while others prefer videos or podcasts. I cannot assume to know what you want.

As a result, I’ve segmented the ways I will notify you completely differently for 2025. Everything is completely transparent — you know what you’re getting and how often you’ll get it. It is also incredibly easy to adjust your alerts.

Get the updates you want when you want them. Here are your options…

1. Blog Alerts

Frequency: 1 per week

This blog is where it all started so many years ago. This is the medium where I was most comfortable, and it’s how I quickly became known. If you run a search for anything related to Meta advertising, you’ll undoubtedly stumble on my content.

My blog posts are free of fluff. Actually, this post is the most “fluff” you’ll find on my blog. Otherwise, expect countless articles with the goal of teaching and clarifying everything you need to know in the simplest way possible.

I’ve established a routine the past few years. Barring rare exceptions, I publish one blog post per week. These normally go live on Monday with an email alert arriving first thing on Tuesday morning.

These alerts are conversational and to the point. Here’s an example of a recent Blog Alert:

Blog Alerts

If you want weekly Blog Alerts, subscribe at the link below:


2. Video Alerts

Frequency: 3 per week

In late 2022, I started recording 1-minute educational videos, primarily about Meta advertising. Once I made these a part of my daily routine, I decided it was important to feature them on my website.

There is now a Quick Video Tutorial section on jonloomer.com, and I publish one of these three times per week. Each 1-minute video includes a short blog post below it with a quick tip (which give them value over the videos of mine you might find on social media). These are more abbreviated compared to my full blog posts, but super helpful.

I use blog posts to explain deep topics that require more background and information to communicate. The video posts are for topics that can be communicated with much shorter thoughts, though they are packed with value.

If you subscribe to Video Alerts, I’ll send you an email whenever I’ve published a new video post (usually three times per week). The format is similar to the Blog Alerts example above.

To subscribe to Video Alerts, click the link below:


3. Podcast Alerts

Frequency: 1 per week

The Pubcast is making a comeback! I started The Pubcast in 2013 as a way to discuss business and advertising topics in a unique way. But my podcast became a casualty of the time I needed to dedicate to video creation.

The “old” Pubcast has a fun backstory. It began as a casual interview format, and I would often share a drink with my guest. We’d talk about a wide range of business topics, from entrepreneurship to advertising.

My podcast is making a return in 2025. The latest iteration of The Pubcast is different than what you’ll find elsewhere. I know you’re busy. There isn’t mindless chitchat and dead air. These are short (5-10 minute) episodes that get straight to the point.

While The Pubcast of years past covered many different business topics, the new version will prioritize Meta advertising. These will feature episodes that react to news, discuss my tests, and explain my philosophical approach to advertising.

The plan is to publish one episode per week. Subscribe to Podcast Alerts below:


4. Weekly Recap

Frequency: 1 per week

So at this point, you’re starting to understand just how much content we’re talking about every week:

  • 1 blog post
  • 3 video posts
  • 1 podcast episode

Maybe you want to stay on top of all of the new content, but you know that you’ll never keep up with my emails if you’re alerted every time I publish something new. Weekly Recaps are a great option.

With Weekly Recaps, I’ll send you one email every week with a log of everything I published during the prior seven days, including links and brief explanations.

Subscribe to Weekly Recaps below:


5. Cornerstone Advertising Tips

Frequency: 1 per week

This one is a little different from the alerts above. Instead of getting notified of my newest content, Cornerstone Advertising Tips will set a foundation of learning.

While it’s important to stay on top of everything that’s happening now, I’ve realized that people often miss some of the most important content I’ve ever published. So I created a subscription that sends out my most popular and helpful posts to start off each week — for an entire year.

These are “cornerstone” best practices guides and tutorials to help you understand how everything works.

Here are some examples:

  • Common Targeting Mistakes Advertisers Make
  • A Guide to Meta Ads Optimization for Delivery
  • 8 Reasons Your Ads Aren’t Converting
  • Advantage+ Audience Best Practices Guide
  • Get Started with Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns
  • Bid Strategies Best Practices for Meta Advertising
  • A Guide to Breakdowns in Meta Ads Manager
  • Common Ad Set Optimization Mistakes Advertisers Make

Unlike the other subscriptions listed here, Cornerstone has a defined beginning and end. But the delivery of this content will last for an entire year (and maybe longer!).

Cornerstone is a great way to polish up the edges on your Meta advertising knowledge. You can subscribe at the link below:


6. The Full Funnel

Frequency: ??!!

Are we really going to do this? Yes. Yes, we are.

The ideal audience for The Full Funnel may be a bit insane. You have complete disregard for your inbox. You want everything from me, and you don’t care how often I message you. This would put you into the extreme (but beautiful) minority.

The Full Funnel will automatically subscribe you to everything:

  • Blog Alerts
  • Video Alerts
  • Podcast Alerts
  • Weekly Recaps
  • Cornerstone Advertising Tips

You are going to get a lot of emails from me. You have no excuses at this point. If you report me for spam after willingly subscribing to The Full Funnel, I will question your intelligence.

Still, this isn’t a lifetime commitment. We make mistakes. If it ever becomes too much, you can unsubscribe from each item individually.

If you’re cool enough, you can subscribe to The Full Funnel below:


The Paid Stuff

Oh yeah, there’s this, too.

Everything listed above is 100% free. But, you can take your obsession to understanding Meta advertising to another level.

I started the Power Hitters Club more than a decade ago. PHC – Elite members get access to the following:

  • Private Facebook group of helpful, experienced advertisers like you
  • More access to me through the group
  • Weekly Strategy Sessions (like a group Zoom call of 10-15 people)
  • Weekly webinars to keep you updated on what’s happening now
  • Access to JonBot, my AI-powered chatbot to get your questions answered
  • Training and webinar library
  • Discounts on one-on-one sessions with me ($247 vs. $497+)

Join my community at the link below:


While I rarely take on clients, you can book one-on-one sessions with me. Prior to our session, you will complete a questionnaire to provide important background on what you’re doing now and what you hope to accomplish. The session itself is 45 minutes and will be conducted over Zoom so that we can screen share if necessary.

One-on-one sessions are ideal for advertisers who are advanced but need a second opinion. You’re spending thousands of dollars per month on ads (or running thousands of dollars in ads for clients), and a single takeaway from these sessions can make a big difference. These are not for beginners.

PHC – Elite members also get a discount. To book your time with me, go here:


Your Turn

Do you have any questions about the alerts or services mentioned here?

Let me know in the comments below!