You already started choosing your ad’s target audience. Now it’s time to look into a few more options in the “Advanced Options” tab.
Ready? Let’s go!
What You Are Going to Learn Today
Today’s lesson is Audience (Advanced Options). We’re going to focus on the following:
- Custom and Excluded Audiences
- Interested In
- Relationships
- Languages
- Education
- Workplaces
This is meant to be an introduction to Custom Audiences. A more advanced lesson will follow in a future section.
The Lesson
Go ahead and click “Advanced Options” under “Audience.”

Custom and Excluded Audiences
One of my favorite features is Custom Audiences. This allows you to target your offline customers (whether they are Fans or not) with Facebook ads. You can target your email list, phone number list and Facebook UID list, for example.
So if you’ve created a Custom Audience before, you can enter that here.
You can also choose to exclude an audience. This could be helpful if, for example, you’re trying to drive people to sign up for your email list. You can exclude those who are already on it.

We’ll get into this one a lot more later!
Interested In
Target users who are interested in men, women or all. Simple!
Target users with the following relationship status, as indicated in their profiles:
- All
- Single
- Engaged
- In a Relationship
- Married
- Not Specified
This really only applies to specific industries or products where your relationship matters. When in doubt, just target all!
You may keep this empty, but you should consider adding specific languages here. However, there are certain times when I like to include English (US) and English (UK).

If I’m trying to promote something with a high barrier (selling a product, for example), I want to optimize as much as possible to reach the people most likely to convert. Language could prevent that sale, so I may focus entirely on the English speaking crowd.
You can target users who are college grads, in college, in high school or all users. You can even target by the school, major and graduation year!

This allows you to target users based on where they work. You can get creative here, reaching your target demo. You could also use it if, for example, you’re trying to get a job (promoting yourself to specific businesses) or trying to get your product in front of people from a certain business.
What did you learn today?
1. General understanding of Custom and Excluded Audiences
2. Targeting by relationships, languages, education and workplace
Your Assignment
Action Items:
- Target users who only speak your primary language
- Target users who are single
- Target users who work at Facebook
Related Reading
Facebook Custom Audiences: Target Facebook Ads by Email List