Not nearly enough advertisers use or even know about breakdowns…
They’re found by clicking the breakdown dropdown menu in between Columns and Reports in Ads Manager.
There are six categories of breakdowns.
By Time:
- Day
- Week
- 2 Weeks
- Month
By Demographics:
- Age
- Gender
- Age and Gender
- Audience Type (for Advantage+ Shopping)
By Geography:
- Country
- Country and Audience Type (Advantage+ Shopping)
- Region
- Business Locations
- DMA Region
By Delivery:
- Placement
- Platform
- Time of Day (ad account time zone)
- Time of Day (viewer’s time zone)
- Impression Device
- Platform and Device
- Placement and Device
- Media Type
- Product ID
By Action:
- Conversion Device
- Carousel Card
- Destination
- Post Reaction Type
- Brand
- Category
- Video Sound
- Video View Type
By Dynamic Creative Element (from the ad view only):
- Image, Video, and Slideshow
- Text
- Headline (ad settings)
- Description
- Call to Action
- Website URL
When you use one of these breakdowns, Meta will create a separate row for each breakdown element. For example, when breaking down by placement, you get a separate row for each placement to see how budget, impressions, and performance break down.
Go ahead and poke around breakdowns if you haven’t already. They can uncover some valuable info.