Up to 10 Primary Text Variations?

In my last video, I talked about how Meta subtly encourages us to provide at least three primary text options when creating an ad.

While you can provide up to five manual variations, is it possible that you can actually provide 10?

How It’s Possible

Underneath the primary text section is Text Generation.

Text Generation

This is where Meta uses AI to generate text variations that are inspired by your original primary text.

I swear that this section originally contributed to the five total variations that you could provide. If you selected one, it was added to the top where you manually entered variations. So, maybe you’d enter four manually and select one that was AI-generated. Or maybe I’m crazy.

But these are now entirely separate. So you can technically provide up to five manual…

Primary Text Variations

…and five AI-generated primary text options.

Text Generation

This is confirmed in the Advanced Preview. There, you can filter by primary text variations. If you provide five of both, you’ll see 10 versions.

Text Variations

Now, I don’t know that it’s necessarily an advantage to provide ten variations, and that may depend on your budget. I also admit that I haven’t liked any of the AI-generated options. It’s supposed to be better at mimicking your brand voice, but I just haven’t found that to be true.

Despite its flaws, this is interesting. Have you tried submitting 10 variations?
