If you have questions about Meta advertising, do this…
Go here and ask my bot whatever questions you have related to advertising.

Here’s how it works…
My Chatbot
It’s been trained on more than 500 pages of my website, and it’s getting really good at providing helpful answers. This is a great option if you don’t want to bother someone with constant questions. Or even if you’ve submitted questions to me before, but you know you’ve got like 50 things you want to ask.
You can keep asking and asking and asking…
This is a resource I’ve been recommending to people lately who are unsure and feel like they have a million questions. It’s a great way to bounce ideas around about strategy and how things work. I’ve seen some advertisers present their entire scenario and ask the bot what it would do.
It may not be perfect and it’s no replacement for a real person (like me), but it’s super helpful and efficient and can send you in the right direction.
Go ahead and try it out!