Pivot Away from Targeting Strategies in 2025

If you run an ad agency, it’s time to start your pivot.

As we head toward 2025, reassess your value proposition. If the primary way you differentiate yourself is through targeting services, you’re on borrowed time.

We can have the philosophical discussion about the need for complicated targeting strategies on another day. This isn’t meant to start an argument about how effective your strategies are.

Here’s what I mean…

The Trend

What can’t be disputed is that the trend is toward more algorithmic targeting and less control. No matter what weaknesses exist with algorithmic targeting now, it will get better.

You need to prepare for that.

Even if you’re able to prove value with your targeting strategies now, it’s unlikely to last. And eventually, you may not even be able to use these approaches anymore.

Then what?

Your Pivot

Start pivoting now before it’s too late. Differentiate yourself by highlighting services that will be relevant and valued for years to come.

It doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to use targeting strategies that you believe are effective. Instead, you should stop focusing on what you can do with targeting as why someone should hire you. You should build and highlight other expertise that will help your agency persist through changes.

We’ll talk about what to do instead in my next video.
