A change is coming to special ad categories. If you run ads that promote products or services related to credit or finance, even if you haven’t needed a special ad category in the past, this update is for you.

The Announcement
According to Meta:
Starting in October 2024, a new special ad category ‘Financial products and services’ will be introduced, replacing the previous Credit ads category.
The Credit category was required for ads that promote a credit opportunity. This included things like credit cards, loans, financing, and debt recovery.
The new Financial Products and Services category will include everything within Credit, but also ads promoting the following:
- Insurance
- Bank accounts
- Investment services
- Payment services
In early 2025, using this special ad category will be required for ads promoting financial products and services in the US. Such ads will otherwise be rejected.
Targeting Impact
When using this special ad category, I assume that the same targeting restrictions that impact credit will apply. Your targeting options will be limited to prevent discrimination in the following ways:
1. You will not be able to refine by age or gender
2. Some detailed targeting options will be unavailable
3. Must include all areas within a 15-mile radius of any location. No ability to target by postal code or zip code.
4. Lookalike audiences aren’t allowed
Because of these limitations, you might as well use Advantage+ Audience instead.
Read Meta’s announcement here.