If you run Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, here’s a big update…
Using the Engaged Customers Audience Segment, “define your engaged customers using custom audiences. This allows you to receive reporting breakdowns for this audience.”
This is an update to aid your reporting. There’s no apparent plan to use it for optimization and delivery of Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns.
Define This Segment
Within Ad Account Settings under Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, you can define your engaged customers with a custom audience.
Per Meta:
“These are people who are aware of your business or interacted with your products or services, but have not made a purchase.”
You can create a custom audience or group of custom audiences that reflects this group. It appears you’ll need to exclude paying customers when creating the audiences.
Access Via Breakdown
This will give you a new segment to view results in Ads Manager. Use the Breakdown menu and select Demographics by Audience Segments.
You should see separate rows for New Customers, Existing Customers, and Engaged Customers.
Valuable Insight and Questions
This update provides significant insight into performance and how Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns are delivered. Since there is minimal advertiser control of targeting, this helps provide clarity regarding how much of your sales performance comes from new customers, current customers, and those who have engaged with your brand without purchasing.
It does feel like this could be easier to implement. All signs are that the definitions of Current Customer and Engaged Customer fall entirely on the advertiser doing this correctly. Even though you would have already defined current customers, it appears you need to manually exclude that group when creating your custom audiences for engaged customers. Otherwise, there will be overlap between them.
Meta has so much data from advertisers via standard events (browser, API, CRM, and API) that you’d think these steps could be smarter and streamlined to prevent inevitable advertiser error. Also, the “Engaged Customers” label is confusing since it infers they are “customers” (someone who has bought something).
Of course, I only have this for an ad account I don’t use, and I haven’t found any official documentation from Meta on this. But that’s how it appears to work.
This could be helpful!