Here is the biggest benefit to publishing a video every day.
I just hit my 100th day in a row of publishing a video, and I plan to continue this throughout 2023. I can tell you… I feel this in my bones.
You will not see noticeable improvement from day to day or even week to week. That’s frustrating. You want all of that hard work to result in immediate progress.
But if you publish every day and make this a priority, you will quickly make tiny improvements. You will see what you like and don’t like. And while one or two tiny improvements may not be obvious, they add up.
As I look back at the past six months and the 300 videos or so that I’ve created, it’s obvious. While I’m super proud of what I created during those first few months, I also know that what I’m able to create now is better.
And I also know that what I can create a month from now will be better than what I’m creating now. That’s all because of making this a priority and finding a way to publish at least one video every day.
I encourage you to take this on with me. It’s intimidating. But it’s also addicting. Start simply. Don’t create overwhelm for yourself. Just publish something.
And know that what you publish tomorrow will be better. Even if the difference is only noticeable to you. But that difference will grow with time if you keep your head down and remain stubbornly consistent.
I know you can do this!