6. Editing Display Settings

One complaint marketers have about Power Editor is that all of the columns and columns of information are confusing. You can actually control this!

Ready? Let’s go!

What You Are Going to Learn Today

Today’s lesson is Editing Display Settings. We’re going to focus on the following:

  • Edit Ad Columns
  • Edit Campaign Columns
  • Edit Audiences
  • Keep Deleted Campaigns

The Lesson

At the top right, there is a drop-down for “Options.” Click that and select “Settings.”

Facebook Power Editor Edit Settings

You will now be given the ability to edit the columns you view across Power Editor.

Edit Ad Columns

Facebook Power Editor Ad Columns

It’s quite likely that you are viewing far more ad columns than you actually need. Think about the information that you consider most helpful and edit!

I personally don’t use Power Editor for monitoring results, so here are some of the columns I’d consider most important:

  • Errors
  • Status
  • Ad Name
  • Campaign Name
  • Campaign Start
  • Campaign End
  • Ad Bid
  • Bid Type
  • Title
  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender

But feel free to find what works for you!

Edit Campaign Columns

By default, you may have all of the available columns checked for campaigns.

Facebook Power Editor Edit Campaign Columns

Most of these tend to be important, though you may choose to do away with “Budget Remaining.”

Edit Audiences

This has to do with your Custom and Saved Audiences (we’ll get to these later).

Facebook Power Editor Audience Columns

Here, it really depends on how often you use this view. You can be very descriptive when naming your Audiences and you may not need many of the columns. I use the bare minimum.

If you create many different Saved Audiences, it may be helpful to add some of the targeting specific columns.

Keep Deleted Campaigns

Facebook Power Editor Deleted Campaigns

What do you want Power Editor to do with your deleted campaigns? Within the More Settings option, you can choose to either keep or permanently remove them.

Personally, if I delete a campaign I did it for a reason. But I don’t tend to delete any campaign once it starts running.


What did you learn today?

1. How to Edit Ad Columns

2. How to Edit Campaign Columns

3. How to Edit Audience Columns

Your Assignment

Action Items:

Go into the Power Editor Settings and edit columns for the following to fit your needs. Feel free to change them again later as the way you use Power Editor changes!

  1. Ad Columns
  2. Campaign Columns
  3. Audience Columns
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