You’ve Got This

I’ve been pretty open about my struggles over the past three years. The start of the pandemic sent me on (or accelerated) a motivational spiral that led to two very trying years in business.

A year ago, I made the commitment to short-form video with the full belief that it would turn things around. While I’d repeatedly get reminders that it was working, it felt like blind faith at times since things weren’t turning around financially. The decline simply slowed.

But here we are. November will be my biggest revenue month in 2 1/2 years. I don’t like talking about revenue, but it’s relevant. This recovery is absolutely because I didn’t give up on video, myself, or the business. The belief and motivation returned.

One good month isn’t a comeback, and I’m still nowhere close to the glory days. But it’s super encouraging to see the hard work pay off substantively, rather than just FEELING like it’s working.

It’s a reminder for creators and business owners generally…

Content creation is a long road. There are ups and downs. You’ll have moments when you see glimmers that you’re on the right path, but you still can’t answer the incessant “But does it make you money?” questions.

People don’t like talking about their struggles, so it can feel like a lonely place. You’re not alone. You’ve got this.

If you believe in what you’re doing, just keep going. It takes time. But it truly is worthwhile.

Just over a year ago, I had no TikTok presence, virtually no Instagram presence, and my YouTube channel was on life support. Now these places are the primary places people find me.

It’s been a crazy transformation.
