Make sure you verify your custom website events!
I was greeted by this warning message at the top of my Events Manager (you may also see it in your Account Overview):
“Verify your custom website event(s). As part of Meta’s continuous system improvements, you must complete a one-time verification of custom website event(s) to confirm you intended to send the event to us. Unverified events will be discarded.”
I have a ton of custom events, so this is a pretty big deal for me.
Once you click Verify, you’ll get a list of the custom events you need to verify. Verifying means you intended to send this event to Meta. There is also a due date. For me, it’s January 16 at 11pm for each one. If you don’t verify by that deadline, the event will be discarded.
I found that I didn’t need to verify all of these events. Some I don’t use anymore.
You should have some time to do this, but there’s no reason to wait until the last minute. Otherwise, you risk losing some of this tracking.