Is it an Official Rollout or Is it a Test?

This is a good reminder about how to decipher an official feature rollout versus a test…

I Had it Until I Didn’t

I had the 10 event learning phase and I rejoiced.

learning phase

And then it switched back to 50.

Learning Phase

I had the new First Conversion reporting when comparing attribution.

Compare Attribution Settings

And then I didn’t. And then I did again.

The Themes

There are important themes that these two features share:

There is no official documentation from Meta about a 10 event learning phase. Meta’s Help Center article on the learning phase still references the 50 event threshold.

There is no official documentation about First Conversion reporting. No announcements or help center articles. If you were to Google it, you’d likely see my posts and videos.

Meta Ads First Conversion Reporting

In other words, these features aren’t officially rolling out yet. They’re probably just tests. Maybe they’ll eventually roll out and Meta will make it official, but we’re not there yet.

It’s a good reminder regarding so much that happens in Ads manager. Until you see official documentation about something (features as well as best practices), it’s not officially a thing.

NOTE: As I write this, I’m finally seeing an update to this article, so First Conversion is official now.
