New Placement: Instagram Profile Reels

Meta is rolling out a new placement

Instagram Profile Reels is found under the Stories and Reels section when manually editing placements.

Instagram Profile Reels

This placement is available for most website and app conversion locations.

Ad Details

If you go to an Instagram profile, click one of their Reels and then scroll through their Reels feed. You may see ads between their Reels. This is where your ads may appear.

Your ad will need be a video with the recommended 9:16 aspect ratio. If you want your ad to fit in with the other Reels, it would be best to maintain that same format. You can view how it will appear in this placement when viewing your Advanced Preview.

Instagram Profile Reels

Don’t Have It?

For whatever reason, this placement wasn’t selected for me using Advantage+ Placements. I needed to manually select it while using manual placements.

Instagram Profile Reels

I’m sure that’s an early bug that will get straightened out quickly.

You’re unlikely to see a huge difference with the addition of Instagram Profile Reels, but more placements help you keep costs down. New inventory is a good thing.
