How to Compare Results in Ads Manager

Meta created an easy way to compare results. It’s a subtle little update that was added recently, and you may have missed it…

Access Compare Results

While viewing results in Ads Manager, hover over the name of the campaign, ad set, or ad, and a menu should appear with several options.

Compare Results

Click the three dots. Then select “Compare…” Depending on what you’re viewing, you can compare campaigns, ad sets, or ads.

Compare Results

Then select another campaign, ad set, or ad to compare.

Compare Results

View Comparison

Meta then provides a helpful visual to compare the results of two assets charted over multiple days.

Compare Results

If you click the Metric dropdown menu, you can change the metric to compare.

Compare Results

You can also add a second chart by clicking the “+ Chart” button.

In this video, I provide an example of Cost Per Result (in this case Cost Per Lead) trending over time, and then see if that trend is related to differences in CPM. Based on this comparison, that relationship doesn’t seem to exist here.

Compare Results

You can also click this chart icon to get an overall average by metric for each asset.

Compare Results

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