Beneficiary and Payer in Taiwan

There are new Beneficiary and Payer requirements. You may see an alert in Ads Manager with the following message:

Verification required for ads for Taiwan: Due to Taiwan regulations, verified beneficiary and payer information is required to run ads in Taiwan.

Beneficiary and Payer in Taiwan

This applies if you explicitly target Taiwan, but also when running remarketing or other ads worldwide. If you can reach people in Taiwan, it applies.

How to Set Up

To set this, go to your Advertising Settings and click on Default Beneficiary and Payer. This allows you to define this account wide.

Beneficiary and Payer in Taiwan

You may have already defined this for the European Union.

Beneficiary and Payer

Now do it for Taiwan.

Beneficiary and Payer in Taiwan

The Beneficiary is the person or organization that directly benefits from your ads.

Beneficiary and Payer in Taiwan

The Payer is the person or organization paying for them.

Beneficiary and Payer in Taiwan

These could be the same people or company. If the option isn’t there to select, you may need to go through a verification process.

The Ad Set

When you create an ad set that can reach people in Taiwan, the Beneficiary and Payer section will appear. There’s also a checkbox in the event that your ads promote Financial Products and Services.

Beneficiary and Payer in Taiwan

This is just another requirement that’s unique to advertising in a specific region. Does it apply to you?
