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New Facebook Ads Feature: Dynamic Experiences

There’s a new Facebook ads feature called Dynamic Experiences. Let’s discuss what it is and whether you should use it.

But first, the obvious: Why is Facebook so bad at naming features?

Does everything need to have “Dynamic” in the name? We now have:

Can we get a bit more creative? Oh, yeah, and the use of “Creative,” I guess.

But, I digress…

The Basics

The Dynamic Experiences feature is available when you use the Traffic or Conversion objectives with a website destination. Of course, if you have the ODAX objective selection process, I assume you’d need to use Traffic, Sales, or Leads with a website destination.

Dynamic Experiences is turned on within the ad creation process.

You’ll need to use the single image or video ad format.

And include several text variations for primary text, headline, and description.

How Does it Work?

Facebook will automatically create multiple variations of your ad, showing versions that people are most likely to respond to.

There are several possible enhancements that may be made, both to media and ad-level compositional changes.

Examples of possible media enhancements include:

And examples of ad-level compositional changes include:

Many of these enhancements sound like Optimize Creative For Each Person, which is a feature that is only available when you turn on Dynamic Creative. Of course, this is a stand-alone feature that doesn’t require another feature to be turned on.

The swapping text combinations enhancement is Optimized Text Per Person, which allows Facebook to swap the text that you provide for Primary Text, Headline, and Description between the three locations. Once again, you could turn that feature on separately.

Your Turn

This feature sounds potentially powerful, though you have to put some trust in Facebook’s ability to enhance creative productively. It’s certainly worth a test.

Do you have Dynamic Experiences? Have you tried it? What do you think?

Let me know in the comments below!

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