Advertisers can now create Facebook ads that appear in the Facebook search typehead called Sponsored Results. Here’s how…
How to Change the Budget of a Facebook Promoted Post
Think you can’t change the budget of a Facebook Promoted Post after it’s been created? Think again! You can even extend it beyond the limited three day window!
How to Use Facebook Power Editor
Want to have access to some great advertising features not available on the main Facebook advertising interface? You need Power Editor. Here is a quick tour…
Reference of Dimensions for Facebook Timeline For Pages [Infographic]
Key dimensions for Facebook Timeline for Pages include cover photo, custom tab photo, profile photo, shared photo, highlight and more.
How to Create or Claim a Place on Facebook
Facebook Places give users the ability to “check-in” and tell their friends where they are and what they’re doing at a given moment. We’ll get into the benefits of Facebook Places at another time, but this tutorial focuses on creating or claiming your Place. If your business has a physical location, you should create a… Read more »